Techotrade listing and promotion services to sellers against a membership fee. deals in bulk domestic and international commodities trade for metal, coal, raw material, and construction procurement, and enables real-time price discovery and negotiation mechanism to buyers through an online reverse bidding system on its platform. The company aims to provide the stakeholders, a platform, which replicates the current trade practices and provides inquiry to payment (End-to-End) solutions to help them in conducting international business in a transparent and cost-efficient manner.
We verify the Background of all registered users, as well as the legality of their businesses to ensure the security for all of our clients. We guarantees a reliable buying/selling experience through:
1. Buyer protection,Seller protection,Secure payments Delivery and Payment
2. Once product passes customs inspection, merchandise will be delivered by certified freight forwarders.
3. All payments are held in escrow A/C or through confirmed until product is shipped and delivered
Our goal is to create a trusted portal where businesses with minimum capital or experience in international trade can safely transact with other companies. techotrade is a digital B2B platform aiming to be a comprehensive bulk domestic as well as international trade hub for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and their counterparts. Empowered by our proprietary block chain technology, we prioritize security, transparency, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use.
Cloud Based Technology Move your purchasing activities to the cloud Save upto 18% - 40% on addressable spend by implementing reverse auction methodology. TECHOTRADE provides world class technology to assist organizations of all sizes to capture the savings provided by this unique e-negotiation process.With the Reverse Bidding mechanism, the lowest price offered to the buyer in a particular deal shall always remain visible to all the other participating sellers registered with Tradologie. Needless to say, Sellers would always have the Option to modify their Quotes, at any time of the live negotiatio
Techotrade protects the entire payment process itremains accountable and guarantees Payment through escrow A/C and LC. Definitely not like the other B2B platforms that does nothing more than product listing, export Portal verifies shipment of goods before the seller gets paid
TECHOTRADE makes sure buyer pays before the product is shipped, we arranges the shipping and after the product is shipped, the seller is paid
Certified international freight forwarders will openly bid on product shipping to ensure delivery will benefit both buyers and sellers. Techotrade logistic provider E- services helps it’s registered suppliers with complete assistance with their shipments. It connects all the suppliers directly to the trusted freight forwarders, in real-time. Suppliers can attain the price quotes, forwarding agent’s profile, and business authenticity details. The real-time negotiation helps the suppliers to achieve complete transparencyWhile products are in transit, buyers or sellers will have open access to real-time updates to guarantee smooth delivery. Buyers will be notified that products are undergoing customs inspection.